
Download / Installation

The easiest way to get and install Django Translation Manager is via pip, feel free to omit the first two lines if you don’t want to use virtualenv

virtualenv env --no-site-packages
source env/bin/activate
pip install django-translation-manager

In case you are curious about the source, willing to contribute, or you just want to do it yourself, feel free to see our GitHub project page

After you have installed the package, it’s time for configuration


  1. First, add translation_manager to INSTALLED_APPS to your project’s settings in

We’re calling our project project for example’s sake

    # ...
    # this is what we have added:
  1. Next, add the following variables to your settings and set them accordingly
# Required paths to all locale dirs

# Path to project basedir / workdir - root folder of project
# TRANSLATIONS_BASE_DIR = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))

# Language to display in hint column to help translators
# see translation of string in another language
  1. add post_save signal to restart the server:
from translation_manager.signals import post_save as translation_post_save

translation_post_save.connect(restart_server, sender=None)
  1. use syncdb or migrate
./ syncdb
./ migrate
  1. Now load strings from .po files via python shell
./ shell
from translation_manager.manager import Manager

m = Manager()
  1. if you need, add a link to translation admin
{% url admin:translation_manager_translationentry_changelist %}

You should now have your Django Translation Manager up and running